The only knife in the world made for slicing jamón.
Professional jamón slicing knives 'El BISTURI del JAMON' are handcrafted for master carvers who demand the finest tools. With our unique knife, you will be able to slice jamón with ease and precision, regardless of whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional.
Professional Unique Stands For Spanish jamón
Technology and design set these stands apart from the rest. This is the only stand that allows you to position the jamón (Iberian ham) in different positions – for easier display and slicing. The stand has rounded, sinuous lines, just like the jamón itself. But it does not compete with it, it only emphasizes its magnificent visual appearance in space. Once you place the jamón on this stand and cut it, you realize there is no going back. It meets all the carver's demands - safety, ergonomics, hygiene, and sufficient space.